The Basic Package


While this is an extremely economical solution, its main disadvantage is that very long presentations can become tiring for the viewer to watch, since there is no visual relief. However, it does capture the full event from the audience’s perspective, and is a great solution for events where the subject matter is so interesting to the viewer that they have no trouble with viewing long stretches of video.

Naturally, we will also record the entire presentation as a digital video file for display on your website as a “Video on Demand” at no extra charge

With the single camera fixed on the speaker podium, this very economical package will capture the full event from the audience’s perspective, displaying video and audio to their browser. We can also have a professional, digital recording system on hand to capture the best live video possible and record the entire presentation as a digital video file for use in future productions.

Watch this short demo of a Basic Package webcast below…     or see the detailed specs of the Basic Package here…

Our Special Economy Package:
For short Webcasts of under 60 minutes duration (excluding setup and tear-down times), such as Keynote Addresses, promotional / PR announcements & Lunch/Dinner Speeches, We offer a special single-camera package, we offer a special, single-camera, Economy Package
[Call for pricing 604.970.5055]