CEO Town Halls & All-Staff Corporate Meetings


Live Streaming All-Staff Town Hall Meetings is a critical tool for management to keep employees informed & motivated while also building a sense of community & corporate pride.

Progressive Industry Leaders are increasingly using live video streams to share company news & bring industry events to employees through live executive broadcasts.

View excerpts from a Live Streamed All-Staff Meeting, with messages from the President & Management to their local & remote staff who are watching online in real-time…


Live Webcasts of CEO Town Halls & All-Staff Meetings allow management to clearly communicate their vision to employees, while also allowing staff to provide valuable comments & feedback in real-time, which, when heard by management, can only strengthen the working of the organization.

Progressive leading organizations are currently using Live Webcasting of CEO Town Halls & All-Staff meetings to great advantage. This allows them to communicate and stay in touch with all their workers, significantly increasing the productivity of their staff, leading to the company’s eventual success.

Effective Internal Communication using Live Webcasting is so much more than just handing out directions to employees.

More importantly, it is a powerful tool to ensure that every employee is well informed, motivated & is being allowed to voice their opinions within the organization. 

Effective executive messaging in this modern age depends on engaging, direct & consistent communication…

…and live video is a proven, must-have communications tool for connecting with a nationally or globally dispersed workforce.

Leveraging live video for CEO Town Halls and All-Staff meetings is a convenient and cost-effective method for providing real-time interaction between management and employees wherever they may be.

Communications that feature presentations, Q&A, live interactive chat, surveys and more, help communications professionals improve & enhance their corporate culture while communicating core values and maintaining transparency by directly addressing employee concerns.

Keeping employees current & informed is critical to a good working relationship between management & staff.

Recent research has revealed that 72% of employees don’t have a full grasp of the company’s mission and 74% of workers feel they are being excluded from the company’s progress. Webcasting all-staff meetings is the perfect way to keep employees informed, while using these sessions to review or introduce corporate goals.

For large organizations, CEO Town Halls & All-Staff Meetings are difficult to pull off on a regular basis (not to mention very costly) when held in a single physical location. Live Webcasting with streaming video allows management to hold cost-efficient meetings on a regular basis, without undergoing many logistical challenges, while also providing several additional benefits:

  • Live Streaming All-Staff Town Hall Meetings expands a company’s reach to far flung offices & divisions, wherever in the world they may be.
  • They allow all employees to participate fully in real-time
  • Keep employees current, motivated and engaged
  • Allow Interaction in real-time with remote workers in far-flung destinations and satellite offices.
  • Conduct training sessions
  • Recognize employee successes – this is a vital component to keeping the workforce motivated and happy.
  • Make corporate culture transparent
  • Regularly scheduled All-Staff Webcasts are an invaluable way for senior management to become more accessible across the entire organization.
  • They bypass the expense and challenge of getting everyone in one place at the same time.
  • They avoid the unnecessary venue and travel expenses which are usually incurred when holding large all-employee meetings in one physical location.
  • The Presenter(s) can share their computer screens and online presentations LIVE with their employees while speaking.
  • Live Feedback and questions can be fielded from all employees/viewers online, using our Interactive Chat feature.
  • Archiving the live stream even allows those who are unable to attend to view the proceedings as on-demand video.

The desire by executive industry leaders, to make a direct connection with their global workforce, is the main driver for using Live Webcasting and the power of Live Streaming Video.

Here are some situations where Live Webcasting can play an important role:

 All Hands & CEO Town Hall Meetings:

Company-wide live broadcasts are how industry-leading executives engage and motivate their large workforces. Regardless of where they are located, HQ, remote offices or mobile employees, corporate leaders & department heads can only benefit from using high quality, live webcasts to make a direct connection with their employees while encouraging invaluable feedback through Live Interactive Chat, Q&A sessions, polling and sentiment tracking.

Department-wide Live Webcasts:

Whether in information technology, sales, customer support or engineering industries, management & production teams at forward-thinking organizations often have the staffing and operational complexity that requires deft handling. Executive & industry leaders are increasingly using high quality, live, interactive webcasts as the best way to connect with their remote teams, to share updates, communicate direction and keep employees motivated.

Event Keynote Employee Broadcast:

The next time your CEO is the headliner at a major conference, or is the keynote speaker at an important industry event, companies need to make sure all the employees can be a part of the experience. Promote the event internally, broadcast it live across your network, host ‘watch parties,’ and include remote workers so everyone can share in the recognition and positive branding that results from such an event.

Webcasting Symposia:

Customers and industry partners are often eager to attend and participate in annual events and get insider previews of upcoming company plans. When it is not possible for them to physically get a seat at the table, broadcasting these forums and symposia online, including webcasting key presentations live, is a great way to make all these proceedings available to those unable to attend.

For more information on how we can help boost your internal communications, Call 604.970.5055 or Send us an Email