Hybrid Event Webcasting

When the COVID19 pandemic struck, turning to Virtual-Only Events became a necessity

But while other organizations simply cancelled their events or switched to amateurish-looking Zoom meetings, very few of them considered Hybrid Event Webcasting – a method that combines the professional look & feel of the traditional in-person event webcast while incorporating the convenience of bringing in virtual presenters via Skype or Zoom.

A Live Streaming Company Specializing in Producing Hybrid Events can help organizations increase audience size, cut costs & enhance the experience of conference-goers & online audiences by connecting a combination of remote & in-person presenters to unlimited viewers globally.

Watch snippets from these Online Conference examples below that combine the professional look of a Traditional Webcast with Audience Interactions in-person & remote, using Zoom or Skype  to bring in remote presenters…

An Example of a True Hybrid Webcast

An In-person Event Streamed Live using a Multi-camera setup (for speakers, panels & in-person audience members) incorporating Live Switching between shots and switching to and between Zoom Presenters embedded into the webcast


Example of a Regular Hybrid Webcast

In-person panel conference shot with a single-camera layout for the panel plus bringing in a remote presenter for interaction with the panel, using Skype (shot in an auditorium with poor lighting not under our control)

Cost-Cutting & Convenience Without Sacrificing Quality!

Hybrid Event Webcasting is not just a viable alternative but an actual improvement on older methods of webcasting.

Zoom may be OK for online meetings, but is at a definite disadvantage for webcasting events, where the quality of your broadcast is an important factor.

The Hybrid Event Webcast:
Unbeatable when Professionalism Counts!

We use Hybrid Event Webcasting, to make conferences & other events safer,  more accessible and more affordable by bringing information & even networking opportunities to viewers, wherever in the world they may be – without sacrificing quality!

We can broadcast directly from your office, boardroom or any meeting room, allowing some presenters participate from their offices or homes!

All presenters don’t need to be there in person & your staff or attendees don’t need to gather in an expensive public venue.

So how do we take an in-person event and make it virtual, while still maintaining its value, quality & impact?

Here’s how it works…

No need to book an expensive hotel ballroom (though that would work too) – it works as well from an office boardroom or a small meeting room.

We set up a professional camcorder (or two) aimed at the presenter and/or a panel – Unlike webcams which only allow head & shoulder views, camcorders can show a full-length image  plus closeup shots or even side-by-side images of 2 presenters  engaged in a discussion.

Pro mics capture high quality audio & slide presentations can be captured from multiple sources.

Presentations by remote presenters coming in via Skype or Zoom are captured & embedded Live, into into the stream, either on their own or side-by-side with the in-person presenter(s) video.

Audience members would still have the ability to see & hear the discussion between the speakers, panels & presenters while also communicating with them via an Interactive Chat Screen that is controlled by the moderator.

The mixed output is then broadcast online using live video switching, to create a very professional-looking webcast.

What’s more, the webcast is now displayed your own custom webpage, complete with your logo, tagline, color-scheme and corporate look–and-feel – quite unlike the amateurish Zoom interface which screams “Amateur Penny-Pincher!”

Hybrid Event Webcasting combines the benefits & functionalities of both types of live webcasts, where multiple speakers or presenters can collaborate in-person & online while still being displayed professionally as in a traditional webcast. ]

Harness the Power of Hybrid Event Webcasting & don’t allow Physical Distancing Regulations or Exorbitant Venue Booking Costs Force You to Cancel Your Event!

Contact us at 604.970.5055 or send us an email to learn how we can help you broadcast your Hybrid Event Online.